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How to Earn Money on Pinterest

In this guide, I’ll explain how to monetize a Pinterest in 6 steps. Even more, I’ll describe ways to make money on Pinterest without using a blog or a website! What does this mean? You can start earning money on Pinterest with no money upfront. In fact, you can earn thousands weekly with little or no experience!

How to Make Money on Pinterest

How can you make money on Pinterest? Well, it’s simple. Pinterest is nothing like most social media networks. This platform encourages you to grow your social media presence . In other words, most social media networks restrict publishers from sharing affiliate links or promoting affiliate programs. Whereas, Pinterest encourages social media monetization . Lets get to it, how to make money on Pinterest, in six steps:

1. Build a Landing Page

First, you need to create a landing page. What is a landing page? When it comes to internet marketing, a landing page (destination page, lead capture page, squeeze page) is a signal web page used for marketing or promoting a product, service, or message. The landing page provides you with a platform to send targeted leads, prospects, and customers. It’s called a landing page because it’s where the visitor lands. There are two types of landing pages, a reference landing page, and a transactional landing page.

Reference landing page – a reference landing page displays information that’s essential to the customer. This page consists of text, images, and links. The purpose of the reference landing page is to lead customers to the transactional page.

Transactional landing page – the transactional landing page contains information that influences customers to take action.

Option #1 (Purchase a landing page) In my opinion purchasing a landing page is the best option simply because you have more control over your content. You can tweak the theme, customize the background, edit code, and much more. Whereas, you have no control over a free landing page. All in all, you have a better chance to influence consumers when you purchase a site. If you are on a limited budget, I suggest purchasing a site through Bluehost.

Option #2 (Get a free landing page) If you don’t want to pay for a landing page. You can create a free landing page on Linktree Linktree is a freemium social media landing page. You can use this platform to post your affiliate links, products links, or profile links. Here you can post whatever links you desire!

2. Create a Pinterest Business Account

If you want to grow your Pinterest page quickly, it’s essential to create a Pinterest business account . Not only does the business account help you grow faster, but it gives you access to valuable tools like analytics and ads. Do not forget to include the link to your landing page on your Pinterest business account profile.

Heres a post that can help, How to Use Social Media for Business .

3. Build an Active Following

To make money on Pinterest you must build an active following. I’m sure you’re wondering how to build an active following. To state the obvious, marketing is the key to building an enthusiastic following! No matter which strategy you choose to make money on Pinterest, marketing is the key. So, if you don’t have marketing skills. You should take a marketing crash course. However, I’ll show you a few secrets to gain followers.

4. Develop a Marketing Strategy

The key to growing your Pinterest account is marketing. Therefore, it’s essential to develop your marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is a series of activities that organizations use to achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in the market. Developing a marketing strategy is time-consuming. It requires a significant amount of groundwork, studying, and patience. However, the end results are well worth the effort. Below, I’ll share two marketing strategies to speed up the process;

5. Select Strategies to Make Money on Pinterest

How do you make money on Pinterest? When it comes to Pinterest monetization, there are several options. It is based on your resources. In other words, are you a website owner? Do you have tangible products for sale? Or, do you own digital products? If not, no biggie. You can still make money online through Pinterest.

5.1 Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest

One of the easiest ways to make money on Pinterest is through affiliate marketing. This involves promoting products and earning a commission on sales made through your referral links.

To get started, join affiliate programs related to your niche. Popular options include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and CJ Affiliate. Create visually appealing pins that include your affiliate links, and ensure your descriptions highlight the benefits of the products you’re promoting.

Tips for Successful Affiliate Marketing;

  • Disclose Your Links: Transparency is key. Always disclose when a pin contains an affiliate link.
  • High-Quality Images: Use high-quality, eye-catching images that attract attention.
  • Engaging Descriptions: Write compelling descriptions that encourage users to click through and make a purchase.

5.2 Promoting Your Own Products

If you have your own products, Pinterest is an excellent platform to promote them. The visual nature of Pinterest makes it ideal for showcasing products.

Create dedicated pins for each of your products. Use high-quality images and add detailed descriptions, including pricing and a direct link to your product page. Rich Pins are particularly effective for this, as they automatically sync information from your website to your pins.

Pinterest Shopping Ads allow you to promote your products to a broader audience. These ads appear in users’ feeds and search results, making it easier for potential customers to discover your products.

5.3 Selling Digital Products

Digital products, such as eBooks, printables, and online courses, are another great way to make money on Pinterest.

Create visually appealing pins that highlight the benefits of your digital products. Use keywords in your descriptions to improve searchability. Link your pins to a landing page where users can learn more and purchase your products.

Benefits of Selling Digital Products;

  • Low Overhead Costs: Once created, digital products have minimal ongoing costs.
  • Scalability: Digital products can be sold to an unlimited number of customers without additional effort.
  • Passive Income: Digital products can generate passive income as they continue to sell over time.

5.4 Offering Services

Pinterest can also be used to promote services, such as graphic design, consulting, or coaching.

Design pins that highlight your services and their benefits. Use testimonials and case studies to build credibility. Include a clear call-to-action, such as “Contact me for a free consultation,” to encourage users to take the next step.

If you offer local services, use location-specific keywords in your pins and descriptions. This helps potential customers in your area find your services more easily.

5.5 Driving Traffic to Your Blog

Bloggers can use Pinterest to drive traffic to their websites, where they can monetize through ads, sponsored content, and affiliate links.

Create pins for each blog post, using eye-catching images and compelling descriptions. Rich Pins can help by automatically pulling in your blog post’s title, description, and author information.

5.6 Using Pinterest for Lead Generation

Pinterest can be a powerful tool for generating leads for your business.

Design pins that offer a free resource, such as an eBook, checklist, or webinar, in exchange for users’ contact information. Link these pins to a landing page where users can sign up to receive the free resource.

Why Use Lead Generation;

  • Building an Email List: Collecting email addresses allows you to build a list of potential customers to market to in the future.
  • Nurturing Leads: Once you have a lead’s contact information, you can nurture the relationship through email marketing.

5.7 Joining Pinterest’s Creator Fund

Pinterest has a Creator Fund that offers financial support and resources to help creators grow their presence on the platform.

To join, you typically need to apply and meet specific criteria set by Pinterest. Once accepted, you can receive funding, participate in exclusive programs, and get access to Pinterest’s resources.

Benefits of the Creator Fund;

  • Financial Support: Direct funding to help you create content and grow your audience.
  • Exclusive Resources: Access to Pinterest’s tools and insights to improve your content strategy.
  • Increased Visibility: Being part of the Creator Fund can increase your visibility on the platform.

5.8 Collaborating with Brands

Brand collaborations can be highly lucrative on Pinterest. Brands often seek influencers to promote their products to a larger audience.

Build a strong Pinterest presence with a substantial and engaged following. Reach out to brands with a media kit that showcases your audience demographics, engagement rates, and previous successful collaborations.

Pros of Brand Collaborations;

  • Monetary Compensation: Brands typically pay influencers to create and share content.
  • Free Products: Brands often send free products for you to review and promote.
  • Increased Exposure: Collaborating with well-known brands can increase your credibility and visibility.

5.9 Using Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics provides valuable insights into how your pins are performing and who your audience is.

Regularly review your analytics to understand which pins are performing well and why. Use this data to inform your content strategy and improve your pins’ effectiveness.

Advantages of Pinterest Analytics;

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions based on real data.
  • Audience Insights: Understand your audience’s preferences and behaviors.
  • Performance Tracking: Track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed.

6. Market Your Opportunity

The final step involves promoting your product or service. Sponsored Pins are paid ads on Pinterest that appear in users’ feeds and search results. Use Pinterest’s Ads Manager to create and promote your pins, set a budget, define your target audience, and monitor ad performance.

Ad: A paid advertisement to promote your brand, business, or product.

Pin: Bookmarks that people save. Create unique pins with detailed descriptions, photos, videos, and affiliate links.

Idea Pin: A short story in video format saved as bookmarks. Grab the audience’s attention instantly.

Step #1 (Create a Canva account): Use Canva to create unique photos. Sign up for a free account with access to numerous resources.

Step #2 (Create a TikTok account): TikTok marketing is effective. Use snaptik.app to download and repost viral TikTok videos on Pinterest without a watermark. Credit the original creator in your comments.

Step #3 (Create an Instagram account): Instagram is a video-sharing network like TikTok. Repost content using the same strategy as TikTok.

If you need additional resourses dont hesitate reading our exclusive marketing tips for social media along with marketing tools for social media .


A number of entrepreneurs are utilizing Pinterest as a resource to make money online. As a result, it has paid off. Not only can Pinterest help you boost your income. It can also help you drive traffic to your websites or blogs.

What are the steps for Pinterest monetization? First, you’ll need a platform. The platform is essential, you’ll need to use it as a landing page. It gives you a web location for your visitors. Secondly, you’ll need marketing techniques. Marketing is the key to finding leads, prospects, and driving traffic to your platform. Thirdly, you must have customers. You need clients to make money!

What activities will you need to perform? For the most part, you’ll be posting content (pins, idea pins) on Pinterest.

How long does it take to make money? Like any business opportunity, it takes time to start earning revenue. All good things take time! You can’t build an empire overnight. Therefore, you must remain patient. It might take months. Possibly years to start earning thousands of dollars monthly. Hence, the key to success is patience.